Imagine living your
summer with unstoppable

Join other like-minded women wanting to do the same and reclaim your Summer.

Join Now!


& get set for your best summer yet!

The Summer Confidence gap is real.
It's often not talked about or if it is, it's never really addressed in a way that assures lasting change.

With the right women by your side, you can.

Join other like-minded women wanting to do the same and reclaim your Summer.

Be Summer Confident

You're in safe hands.

After 1000's of conversations, our Founding Member launch, 6 years of the Cossie Confidence movement and Shine - The Summer Retreat, we understand where you are now, where you want to be and how to get you there.

The change will be real and it can last not just for this summer, but each and every summer.

Imagine that...

The change will be real and it can last not just for this summer, but each and every summer.

Imagine that...

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Alison's Summer Confidence Journey

After working with 1000s of women over the years, I have learnt that it takes more than a passing compliment, a 'like' or a smiley emoji to help a women feel confident in her own skin, let alone her bathers.

It takes knowledge that will teach her, it takes leaders to guide her and a community support that will remind her that she is and always has been summer ready.

What Members are saying about
The Summer Confidence Society

"I am truly humbled. Thank you Anita for the wonderful surprise. I have gained more than I could ever have hoped for from this amazing group. Anita and all the wonderful ladies, with all your love and support I have grown in my confidence beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you."


"We start the program hoping to improve ourselves but the beauty of this program is the flow on effect it has. We want to share our new found knowledge and confidence with others. We want to test ourselves and the growth we have had. We want to support others on the journey as we all move at different rates but we are excited to help others move forward as we know the benefits this program can have. The concept is simple but effective. It works."


"I'm so pleased I took the plunge to join you all. It's about building confidence all year around. Not just for a summer swimming costume body. I'm really looking forward to soaking it all in."



We would love you to join us as a Member.

A community of like-minded women seeking the same thing. Supported by a team of passionate experts to guide you on your Summer Confidence journey. Your Mindset, Summer Style and Cossie Confidence mastery.

We will double down on support to lift you up.

When women come together, fueled by a desire, a want to do better, together, something extraordinary happens. I've seen it with my own eyes. Armed with the right information and know-how, delivered with genuine care and understanding, in a supportive and no-judgement community, the magic happens.

That is why this membership is more than just a membership.


It's a community!

Listen to what your heart wants to experience.
It's time

Thoughtfully curated with you in mind.


Cossie Confidence

Life-style & Wellness


This is not a quick fix.
It's not a course.
It's a journey.
A mastery with a 5 stage Master Plan to progress you through:


Gain clarity. Making progress. With-out the overwhelm and always with a healthy dose of humour and fun.

A unique blend of mindset and summer style with a dash of lifestyle and wellness too. Each carefully designed to deepen your understanding of who you are, what you desire and how to get there.

What You'll Get


Summer Style, Self-Belief, Habits To Sustain You...

Create the summer lifestyle you dream about with the confidence to live it. We have a unique 5 Stages approach that considers your mindset, style and lifestyle needs in midlife. Each Stage has several Topics, shared monthly. Insights become action with gentle nudges to put into practice what you learn. Habits that sustain your progress.


Respect, kindness, liftup. Like-minded women.

There is something powerful and empowering when a group of like-minded women, seeking similar outcomes, come together. It's that extra 'something', hard to describe but when you feel it, you know. That's what this community is about. Beyond what you learn, it's who you experience it with and lift-up along the way. Support is always there.

The Summer Confidence Society Way

What you can expect and how it's delivered.

Think of this membership community like a buffet. A ready available feast. New delightful offerings served up each month, where you take what you like, when you like.

  • A New Topic every month - around Style, Mind and Lifestyle. Aligned with our 5 core Stages: BEGIN, SEE, DISCOVER, BELIEVE AND GROW.
  • Monthly Masterclasses -  live on Zoom, the 3rd Thursday of every month where that month's Topic is explored. Experts run the Masterclass and if you miss it, no worries. Replays are kept in our online portal so you can login and watch any time.
  • Resources & Review to help deepen your understanding - workbooks and guides. These are in the membership portal too. Review previously posted information as well. It all gets kept in the portal for you.
  • Do - there will be activities to do so that you can deepen your understanding of what we cover that month. Have fun with it!
  • Private Facebook Group - a kind, supportive and safe place to come together with others on the same summer confidence journey. There is power in supporting each other. I’ll be hanging out in there too. 

The Goodness You Get When You Join

The Summer Confidence Society

This membership is unique. It bring together 13 years of swimsuit fitting and resortwear styling experience. Key learnings from running a retreat, a membership community and an empowering movement, all with women's Swimsuit and Summer Confidence at their core.

The Summer Confidence Soceity is different. It brings together all in one place, those key elements of Mindset and Style with a strong focus on Swimsuit Confidence. Purposefully designed to be easy to learn with encouragement and support along the way.

Annual Membership


Best Value (Save $71)

Join Now

Monthly Membership


Charged Monthly

Join Now

Sue's Summer Confidence Journey

Could it be yours?

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Are you ready to reclaim your Summer Confidence?

From 1000's of honest conversations WE HAVE created something
extraordinary that will empower you to live like never before.

Join like-minded women in a unique online community. An exclusive, life-changing experience where the support you need is with you every step of the way. As little or as much as you like. No pressure. You have enough of that in your life.


Here's a ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME BONUS for you!

An Exclusive Invitation to be in the Cossie Confidence photo shoot!

What better way to prove to you that you are Cossie Confident? Push your personal boundaries in a safe and supportive experience with a Crew who come back year after year to do the same. It’s like nothing else you’ll ever do. It’s life-changing.

This incredible experience is invitation only, exclusively for those who join The Summer Confidence Society membership community or participate in the Unlock Your Cossie Confidence course..

Value? Priceless.

The Goodness You Get When You Join

The Summer Confidence Society

  • A Supportive, Caring Community

  • Genuine Connection & Friendship

  • No-Judgement Space

  • Understanding Experts Along Side You

  • Thoughtfully Curated Monthly Content :

    Style, Mindset & Wellness

  • Easy to Access & Always Available


  • An exclusive invitation to be in the incredible, life-changing 'Cossie Confidence Photo Shoot'!

Annual Membership


Best Value (Save $71)

Join Now

Monthly Membership


Charge Monthly

Join Now

"Thanks everyone for such a
wonderful day.

This truly is a life changing experience meeting such
strong, brave, clever, funny, warm women.

You all inspire me. Thank you."

Helen. Talking about her Cossie Confidence Photo Shoot experience.

I'm with you too... every step of the way!


I’m Anita McLachlan. Some call me the Swimsuit Whisperer, the Cossie Whisperer. For over 13 years I’ve helped 1000’s of women reclaim their swimsuit confidence with the right fitting swimsuit.

For the past 6 years, myself and a Crew of 23 everyday women have empowered other women to live their summers,  no holding back, with our Cossie Confidence movement and campaigns.

Then there's my newly launched Unlock Your Cossie Confidence course for the fastest and easiest way to find a swimsuit that feels fabulous on AND the confidence to wear it no holding back. Yep...a mind and style Cossie Confidence focus.

I've also run a very successful retreat (pre-pandemic) too - Shine, The Summer Retreat. The core learnings and take-aways from that experience have been used to develop this unique, life-changing membership community.

Think of this membership community as your home. The place you're always welcome, surrounded by those who understand and respect you. A place to come back to again and again for the support and insights you need to keep feeling swimsuit and summer confident.


If you have any other questions then please email me : [email protected]

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Are you ready to live your best summer yet?

I Want to be Summer Confident